Quail Valley Pairings

 Yellow Ball/End of Year Banquet – 12 Oct 24 — 9:30AM

$65.00 + $15 Co-pay

GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
19Woods 16Gillman 24Rogers   
210Malek 26Tignall 17Flow   
314Swords 17Henrick 24Galloway 
411Guelzow 30Jenifer 17Kalbfleisch 30Davis
Regular — White
Senior — Gold
Super Senior — Red

Long Drive Contests from White and Gold tee – $20 each

Putting Contest on 3 holes – $20 each

Yellowball winning team – $80

Closest to the pin on Holes, 2, 7, 13, 17 – $10 each

Low Net – Top 5 places – $100 Total (30, 25, 20, 15,10)

Carroll Valley Pairings

Open / Clears – 5 Oct 24 — 10:30 AM


GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
112Swords 28Jenifer  9Woods   JD
227Davis 27Tignall 22McKain 21Rogers
324Ettinger N/ABell [Guest] 16Henrick16Flow
Regular — White
Senior — Gold
Super Senior — Red

The Bridges Pairings

Ashrose Club Championship & Partners Tourney –

28 Sept 24 — 08:15AM


GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
118Gribben 22McDaniels 12Swords 25Davis
221Rogers 21McKain 17Flow 27Smith
39Woods 29Jenifer 9Malekvs11Guelzow
Regular — White
Senior — Gold


Partners Tourney

After sign up is closed the teams are selected using course handicaps by dividing the field into two groups (A&B) based on handicap rankings and selecting teams by random draw, one from each of the two groups A/B until all teams are paired.

The format is a two-man partner tournament in which there are three six-hole scoring segments with the best total score for the 18 holes winning the tournament.  The score for each hole is the score as if one player had scored.  The formats for the three segments are as follows:

Segment 1 – The first six holes are played as a Captain’s Choice. Each player plays a shot beginning with the tee shot and after each shot the best positional ball is chosen. Each player then plays his ball from the chosen position until a ball is holed.

Segment 2 – The second six holes are played as Best Ball. Each player plays the hole separately. The player’s score for the hole is handicapped for that hole (Ashrose Handicap) and the partner with best net score for that hole has that score entered for the hole.

Segment 3 – The third six holes are played as Alternating Shots. Both partners may tee off on each hole and after the tee shots a decision can be made as to which tee shot to use and then begin the alternate shots. Each partner’s tee shot must be chosen three times over the six holes so once a partner’s chosen shots are three, the other partner’s tee shots must be used on the remaining holes.

Ex. If Player A is chosen, then plays Player B plays Player A’s ball. Players continue to alternate until the ball is holed. The ball that is played from the tee must be the ball continuously played until it is holed. Normal Ashrose and USGA rules apply with respect to preferred lies and drops.

South Hills Pairings

Open Play / Pizza Party – South Hills [South / North]

14 Sept 24 — 09:28AM – $50.00

GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
125Davis 14Gillman 14Kalbfleish   
230Tignall 18Gribben 30Macalalag   
330Jenifer 8Woods 22McKain   
422Maceross 17Flow 12Swords 20Rogers
518Henrick 9Malek 11Guelzowvs25Ettinger
Regular — White
Senior — Gold
Super Senior — Red
  • Pizza Party Location
  • Fratellis
  • 2315 Hanover Pike, Hampstead Md

Glade Valley Pairings

Open Play – 10:00am


GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
124Ettinger 29Jenifer 11Guelzow   
222McDaniels 8Woods 21McKain   
329Macalalag 9Malek 23Rogers 18Henrick
Regular — White
Senior — Gold
Super Senior — Red

Heritage Hills Pairings

ASHROSE Presidents Cup – 08:50am

$ 75.00

GroupHCPlayer HCPlayer HCPlayer HCPlayer

President’s Cup

This is an 18 hole match play event. Within each foursome, team members compete in pairs. There are three different competitions, each lasting six holes.

Holes 1 through 6Captains Choice (no handicaps) After every shot, the team decides which of the two balls is preferred, then both hit again from that point, continuing in this fashion until holing out.

Holes 7 through 12Best Net Team Score (handicaps adjusted to the lowest handicap in the group) For each team, the two net scores are added and compared to the other team total. Each player may receive a stroke (or strokes) based on his handicap and the course difficulty rankings for hole.

Holes 13 through 18Modified Alternate Shot (no handicaps) Both players on each team hit drives; then teammates alternate hitting each other’s ball until both are holed out. The lower of the two team scores are compared to determine who wins the hole. (to be clear, there will be 4 balls in play from tee to green)

Each (six hole) competition is a separate match play event. The winning team receives one (1) point. If the teams are even after six holes, each team receives ½ point. The second and third (six hole) competitions are scored similarly.

Note that the total points awarded each foursome is always three (3). Team Scoring and Awards Money.  The winning team is the one with the most total points after considering all the foursomes. The winning team receives the entire cash award; the losing team receives zero. Each player on the winning team receives the same share of the “pot”. If the two teams tie, then the pot is split equally between the two teams.


Of Note: For alternate shot Holes 13-18: If a player hits out of turn, the penalty is loss of hole. Players cannot switch golf balls from tee to holed out, unless its lost or become clearly cut or cracked. (Surface blemishes don’t apply)

If a team needs to hit a provisional ball, it is played by the player who should hit the next shot. Ex. Player A tees off but hits into questionable area, player B hits the provisional.

Either player may take any allowed actions for the side before a stroke is made, such as marking the ball, lift clean and place, no matter who’s turn is next.

A partner may help the other partner in any way that a caddy could help. i.e. read the green, club advice, etc.

Honey Run Pairings

Quarter Finals of Club Championship | 2st leg of Mystery Tournament

Club Cook-Out $10-Copay

09:15 am – $ 65.00

GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
111Guelzowvs22McDaniels 16Kalbfleisch   
28Woods 22McKain 17Flow 23Galloway
322Maceross 14Swords 30Macalalag 28Davis
418Henrick 16Nelson 29Tignall 35Evans
518Gribbenvs25Ettinger 23Rogersvs27Smith

Gettysburg National Pairings

1st leg of Mystery Tournament – 10:00am

$ 55.00

GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
121McDaniels 31Tignall 8Woods   
214Gillman 11Guelzow 21McKain   
327Smith 17Flow 29Macalalag 26Davis
424Ettinger 18Gribben 33Evans 21Rogers
529Jenifer 15Nelson 10Malekvs14Kalbfleisch

Royal Manchester Pairings

Qualifier – 9:30am


GroupHCPlayervsHCPlayer HCPlayervsHCPlayer
121McDaniels 16Flow 20Galloway 14Kalbfliesch
219Rogersvs21McKain 24Ettingervs25Davis
329Jenifervs11Guelzow 28Tignallvs26Smith
48Woodsvs17Gribben 9Malekvs17Henrick