[VIDEOS] New Rules per USGA [2019]

Watch the video –> Have fun Learning the new rules

Any area not designated as a bunker is now called a penalty area. Red and yellow staked areas are treated the same. The 3 options are 1)  playing it as it lies, 2) replaying the ball from the last spot with a 1 stroke penalty (plus that distance makes it a 2 stroke penalty), 3) Line of flight backwards as far as you want from where the ball crossed the penalty line 1 stroke penalty, 4) drop within 2 club lengths under 1 stroke penalty

Ball Lost or Out of bounds. –> Ball Lost or OB

New local rule for taking relief –> Alternative to Stroke & Distance

The alternative is different than what our club does now. We would need to vote on replacing our current procedure with the USGA Local rule option

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