No Tourney
TIGNALL( 26 ), WOODS( 8 ), ROGERS( 15 ), GUEST(Rogers)
No Tourney
TIGNALL( 26 ), WOODS( 8 ), ROGERS( 15 ), GUEST(Rogers)
The ASHROSE GOLF CLUB will hold its ANNUAL BANQUET on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2018, at the QUAIL VALLEY GOLF CLUB in Littlestown, PA. The first tee time is 9:00 AM Green/Cart Fees are $50.00 per player.
A Dinner will follow golf. GUESTS are welcome. Members copay is $15.00 and Guest copay is $25.00.
In order to complete the arrangements for both Golf and the Banquet I need you to confirm your sign up for Golf and the Banquet by Saturday, September 22, 2018.
Reply to Carroll &/or here.
Call meeting to order
Establish Quorum
Secretary’s Report (Meeting 4/21/18)
Treasures Report
Financial Statement
Budget Status
Tournament Chairman Report
Web Site Chairman Report
Handicap Chairman Report
Golf Director
Old Business
New Business
Web Site Chair
Handicap Chair
Tournament Chair
Board (3) Elected
Banquet Planning
Confirm Glade Valley
Obtain Trophies
Putting Contest
Yellow Balls
Club Championship & Partners Tournament
The format is a two-man partner tournament in which there are three six-hole scoring segments with the best total score for the 18 holes winning the tournament. The formats for the three segments are as follows:
Segment 1 – The first six holes are played as a Captain’s Choice. Each player plays a shot beginning with the tee shot and after each shot the best positional ball is chosen. Each player then plays his ball from the chosen position until a ball is holed. The score for each hole is the score as if one player had scored.
Segment 2 – The second six holes are played as Best Ball. Each player plays the hole separately. The player’s score for the hole is handicapped for that hole (based on his USGA Handicap) and the partner with best net score for that hole has that score entered for the hole.
Segment 3 – The third six holes are played are played as Alternating Shots. Player A tees off and Player B then plays Player A’s ball. Then Player A plays Player B’s ball and so on until the ball is holed. Both partners may tee off on each hole and after the tee shots the decision can be made as to which tee shot to take and then begin the alternate shots. However, each partner’s tee shot must be chosen three times over the six holes so, once a partner’s chosen shots are three, the other partner’s tee shots must be used on the remaining holes. The ball that is played from the tee must be the ball continuously played until it is holed.
Pizza Party
Club Championship Semi-Finals